How to Stretch After Exercising?

Exercising is good for the body. However, after an exhausting exercise session, you are going to feel soreness in your muscles. This is due to the breakdown of the muscle fibres caused by the strenuous activity they had to perform. A good night’s rest is all you need to rebuild newer and stronger muscles. But, before you take the much-needed rest, it is a good idea to stretch your muscles. This will help in the muscle recovery process and also ease some of the muscle tension that you might experience. It is important that you do the stretching after the workout while the muscles are still warm.   

Stretching the Neck

There are several ways to stretch the neck muscles after a workout routine. However, the simplest method is to sit up straight and then try to touch your left ear to your left shoulder. Make sure that your shoulders are in a relaxed position when doing this. You will feel a stretch in the neck muscles as you bring the left ear closer to the left shoulder. Now, bring your head down and touch your chin to your chest. Remain in this position for a little while and then roll the head to the right side and try to touch the right ear with the right shoulder. You will again feel a stretch in the neck muscles.

How to Stretch After Exercising

Hamstring Stretches

If your workout session involves a lot of running then your hamstrings would need a little stretching before you leave the gym. A hamstring stretch can be done in several different ways too. The easiest way to stretch the hamstrings is by standing up tall with your feet slightly apart. Now, bring your right leg forward and plant it on the ground with your heel down and your toes up. Keeping your back straight, bend the knee and go into a sitting position. Maintain your balance by placing your hands on your thighs. You will feel a stretch in your hamstring. Stay in this position for a few minutes and then repeat it on the other side.

Stretching the Quads

The quads are worked the hardest during an intense workout session. So, it is important to stretch them a little before you take rest. There are various stretching exercises available for the quads. If you are short on time and want to stretch the quads effectively then stand tall beside a wall. You will need to take support from the wall for this stretch. Make sure that your back is straight and the feet are slightly apart. Now, reach back and hold your left foot in your left hand. Your thighs must remain straight while you are doing this. You will feel a stretch in your quads. Stay in this position for a few minutes and then repeat it with other foot.

Gym Deals is an online platform dedicated to helping people in finding the best gyms near their location. Feel free to contact us if you want to join a gym. 


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