Exercises the Target Multiple Muscle Groups for Faster Results

Exercise is very important if you want to live a healthy life. Moreover, it can also give you a leaner and fitter body that you can flaunt at the beach. However, exercise demands consistency. If you are going to skip days at the gym or shorten your workout then you won’t be getting the results you seek. Aside from sticking to a regular workout regime, it is also important to know which exercises you should be doing. The trainer at your gym can help you with that. But, what if you haven’t joined a gym or don’t have a trainer at the gym you work out? You can try these exercises to target multiple muscle groups until you find a good gym trainer.



Deadlifts aren’t easy. However, they target many muscles groups and joints at once. When performing a deadlift, the movement is being executed by both your knees and your hips. Their movement is responsible for triggering many muscle groups that are connected to them. For instance, your hamstrings, quadriceps, glutes, deltoids, traps, and lats will simultaneously become active and simulated during a deadlift. This isn’t all, deadlifts can also activate core and grip muscles as well. Thus, deadlifts are a good way of exercising various muscle groups in the shortest possible time. You can perform deadlifts with barbells easily at home too. However, you would be better off performing it in a gym under the supervision of a trainer.

Shoulder Press

The shoulder press is another compound exercise that can help you in targeting multiple muscle groups in your arm and shoulder. This exercise focuses on your shoulder but also activates the biceps, triceps, and the muscles in the neck and upper back. When performing this exercise, you should try to keep your back straight while sitting on a utility bench. Place the dumbbells on your thighs and then left them up in the air with your hands up to shoulder height. When lifting the dumbbells, make sure that you grip them with your palms facing forwards. Now exhale and lift the dumbbells as high as you can. While inhaling, bring down the dumbbells slowly after remaining in the previous position for a few seconds.  

Dumbbell Lunges

If you are focusing on your lower-body muscles and want to work them all with a single exercise then the dumbbell lunges are a good option. They can trigger the muscles in the lower back, abs, glutes, quadriceps, and hamstrings simultaneously. Performing the dumbbell lunges isn’t that difficult either. You need to start by standing straight with a dumbbell in each hand. Make sure that your torso remains upright and then step forward with your right foot. Plant the foot at least feet away from its starting position. Now slowly lower down your body while keeping your balance and maintaining the straightness of the torso. Inhale while going doing and exhale while going back to your original position. While going back, try to push yourself with only the heel of the foot and nothing else.

Gym Deals offers you the chance to look for a gym that is located near your home. Feel free to give us a call if you want to find a good gym in your area.


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